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Privacy Policy - Dior Bag Price for sale
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Privacy Policy

Louis Vuitton North America, Inc. (“LVNA” or “we”) takes the privacy of the information about users and customers of the reallouisvuittonsale.com website (the “Site”) for U.S. customers (“you”) very seriously. Please read the following policy to understand how we will treat your personal information when you use our Site.

Personally Identifiable Information

We will not collect any personally identifiable information (e.g. name, address, telephone number and e-mail address), also referred to herein as “personal information,” about you unless you provide it to us voluntarily.

Age Requirement

We do not sell or ship any items ordered through the Site directly to anyone we know to be under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, you should use the Site only with the involvement of a parent or guardian and should not submit any personal information to us.

What We May Do With Personally Identifiable Information

If you do provide us with personally identifiable information, we may use it to improve our understanding of your interests and concerns. We will also use this information to process your order.

If you tell us you would like to receive additional information from us by e-mail, we may use your information to occasionally contact you about changes to our website, new products, site and service updates and special offers we think you’ll find valuable. If you would rather not receive these e-mails, simply follow the unsubscribe instructions on the e-mail that you have received.

If you register for one of our sweepstakes, contests, or promotions, we may share personal information with service providers, suppliers and other third parties (for example, sweepstakes sponsors or delivery services) that assist us in operating the Site or executing the promotion.

We may transfer your personally identifiable information to our associated companies or other companies with whom we contract outside the United States, including the European Economic Area. These companies may be located in countries with less stringent laws for protection of personal information than the laws of the United States. [or, personally identifiable information collected in connection with sales in the United States by LVNA will not be shared with third parties outside the United States.] We will, however, ensure that your personal information is kept confidential and secure, and that the appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent unlawful or accidental destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized disclosure or access or other unlawful forms of processing are implemented.

We may share your information with our legally affiliated entities. If LVNA is merged, or in the event of a transfer of our assets, Site or operations, LVNA may disclose or transfer your personal information in connection with such transaction.

LVNA will disclose personally identifiable information without your permission when required by law, or in good faith belief that such action is necessary to investigate or protect against suspected criminal activities to our customers, visitors, associates, or property (including this Site), or to others.

Anyone wishing to correct/update/delete information from our database should contact us. We will make reasonable efforts to service your request in a timely manner.


If you have elected previously to receive newsletters or promotional or marketing correspondence from us and later decide that you no longer wish such correspondence from us in the future via email, please send a blank email to us for the address you would like removed. To prevent receiving this information via any medium, please send an email. Your election not to receive newsletters or promotional and marketing correspondence from us will not (a) preclude us from corresponding with you by email or otherwise, regarding your existing or past relationship with us, and (b) preclude us, including our employees, contractors, agents and other representatives, from accessing and viewing your personal information in the course of maintaining and improving the Site.

Registration Information

Our Site contains areas where you can submit information to us (such as our registration service), and we also have features (such as cookies and performance tracking technology) that automatically collects information from the visitors to our Site. During the registration process, you must provide us with a member name and password, your name, address and a valid email address. It is your responsibility to keep your password strictly confidential.

How We Protect Your Personal Information

We store your personal information on a secure server and use procedures designed to protect the personal information we collect from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. Although we will take (and require our third-party providers to take) commercially reasonable security precautions regarding your personal information collected and stored on the Site, due to the open nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that any of your personal information stored in our servers, or transmitted to or from a user, will be free from unauthorized access, and we disclaim any liability for any theft or loss of, unauthorized access or damage to, or interception of any data or communications. By using the Site, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.

Third Party Websites

You may be able to access certain third-party Web sites through links on our Site. We are not, however, responsible for any other Web sites, or their respective privacy policies or how they treat information about their visitors or users. We strongly advise you to check their privacy policies to find out how they are treating your personal information.


If you submit to us or post a testimonial comment, review, suggestion or any work of authorship (collectively a “Submission”) to us, including, without limitation, Submissions about our products or services, such Submission will not be confidential or secret, and may be used by us in any manner. By submitting or sending a Submission to us, you (i) represent and warrant that the Submission is original to you, that no other party has any rights thereto, and that any “moral rights” in such Submission have been waived, and (ii) you grant us a royalty-free, unrestricted, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully transferable, assignable and sublicensable right and license to use, reproduce, publish, distribute, display, translate, summarize, modify and adapt such Submission (in whole or part) and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed, in our sole discretion, with or without your name.


LVNA may deposit “cookies” in your computer in order to identify you. Cookies are small data text files that are sent from a server computer during a browsing session. Cookies are typically stored on the computer’s hard drive and are used by web-sites to simulate a continuous connection to the site. Security measures have been employed to prevent unauthorized access to visitor data. However, visitors acknowledge that LVNA does not control the transfer of data over telecommunication facilities including the Internet. Therefore, LVNA will not be responsible for any breach of security or the unauthorized disclosure or use of any such data on the Internet. You may configure your browser to reject cookies.

Governing Law; Jurisdiction

This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York. The exclusive jurisdiction for any claim, action or dispute with LVNA or relating in any way to your use of the Site will be in the state and federal courts of the State of New York and the venue for the adjudication or disposition of any such claim, action or dispute will be in the City of New York, New York. All parties to this Agreement waive their respective rights to trial by jury.


LVNA may send notices to you with respect to your use of the Site by sending an email message to the email address listed in your Account Information, by sending a letter via mail to the contact address listed in your Account Information or by posting a note on the Site when you access your account. You agree that we may provide notice to you through such means. Unless otherwise stated in the notices, the notices will become effective immediately.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Our privacy practices will be continuously assessed against new technologies, business practices and our customer’s needs. As we update and diversify our services our Privacy Policy may evolve. Please check this page for updates periodically. Please note: by using or registering with our Site or by providing personal information, you agree to abide by the applicable terms of our Privacy Policy.

Use of Site Signifies Consent

By visiting this Site, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy with respect to non-personally identifiable information. By providing personally identifiable information through the Site, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy with respect to personally identifiable information. If you do not agree with anything described in this Privacy Policy, you may discontinue use of the website. Your continued use of any portion of the website following posting of changes to the Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of these changes.

General Contact Information

For questions regarding our products or this Site, please contact us.